Designing a Flow for Researchers to Share Scientific Insights

The Project

Enable Medicine recently launched Atlas Library, a public database of scientific findings. Previously, scientists submitted study publication requests through an external form, with engineering manually handling data entry and publishing. My task was to design a flow enabling researchers to independently share studies containing scientific insights.


Jul - Aug 2023 (about 2 months)




Product Design Intern


User Interviews, Usability Testing, Prototyping, Wireframing

Final Features

Flexible Flow Encompassing Diverse Use Cases

Users can publish a study alone or with supporting material(s).

Guiding Users Through Publication

Pre-publishing models, presented as FYI’s, help orient the user by outlining the results of publishing a study and steps to take for an optimal viewer experience.

Dynamically Featuring the Most Important Citations

Citations are critical to reference work and acknowledge contributors. Publication citations (manuscript, conference presentation) always take priority.  

Scenario 1: Publication(s) Attached
Optional study citation
Scenario 2: No Publication(s) Attached
Required study citation

Streamlining Input Entry with Auto Populating Fields

Forms can be tedious, but leveraging auto-filling fields aims to streamline user input, making the process smoother and less burdensome.

01 Author list checkboxes for reducing input repetition
02 Study Fields are auto populated from pre-existing study contents
03 Default study citation is generated from previous input fields

Boosting Study Discoverability with AI Suggested Keywords

A large motivation for publishing work is for it to be discovered by others. Keywords are associated with each study to aid in quick and relevant search results.  


01 Strategies to Move a Project Forward Through Ambiguity and Minimal Guidance

02 Balancing User Needs and Constraints

03 Methods to Break Down Complexity


Encouraging Scientific Collaboration for Accelerated Insights

Previously, the company primarily focused on tools for biological data analysis. This new publishing flow represents a pivotal step in broadening the platform's scope to include data publishing and sharing among scientists, enabling them to leverage each other's work for accelerated scientific insights.

Increasing Efficiency for Scientists and Engineers

Empowering users to autonomously publish their studies on the platform boosts efficiency and productivity for both scientists and engineers.

Part 1

The Process

Carving Out an Initial Understanding of the Problem Space

To kick off the project, I collaborated with the product manager to explore the problem space. While our discussions helped identify initial user requirements, it also revealed the need for deeper insights into user needs. To address this, I reached out to a few internal scientists for interviews.

Initial User Requirements

01 Guide Users through Publishing

We want to provide users with a clear understanding of what it means to publish on the platform.

02 Simple Workflow

We want to keep the publishing flow straightforward to minimize the barrier from completing the task.

03 Address Publishing Needs

1. Publish study data (share raw data and analysis insights)
2. Publish study with conference presentation (used to present research to field experts)
3. Publish study with manuscript (a scientific paper communicating methodology and obtained results)

Research Mindset

Entering user interviews, I wanted to gather a more nuanced understanding of publishing scientific work to better answer the following questions:
How might we streamline the information input process?

How might we design a flow to address different publishing needs?

Research Insights, Constraints, and Solution Impact

Insights from interviews helped shape solutions. I also reached out to engineering to evaluate solution feasibility and adjusted as necessary to fit constraints.

01 Insight:
Scientists may want to associate a conference presentation AND manuscript with their study.

How might we structure the publishing flow to enable attaching multiple materials and address scenarios when studies are published alone?

Treat study details as a required base, establish an optional step for attaching supporting materials.

02 Insight:
Researchers prefer highlighting publication citations (manuscript, conference presentation) over the study citation.

How can we prioritize publication citations while addressing scenarios where no publications are included?

Implement a dedicated citation step, requiring a study citation only in the absence of other citations.

The citation step comes after adding extra materials, allowing the system to verify existing citations from related publications. If none are found, a study citation is optional; otherwise, it's required.

03 Insight: Publications often have digital object identifiers (DOI numbers) for direct source access.

How might we streamline the information input process?

Initial Solution:
Utilize DOI numbers to access information for auto populating input fields.

Resource Constraint:
While technically feasible, the information DOI numbers are linked to have varied formats which posed parsing challenges.

Revised Solution:
Explore less resource intensive methods such as auto populating fields using existing study information.

04 Insight:
Users desire control over what study content is published.

How might we allow users to control what study content is published?

Initial Solution: 
Enable toggling of study content for publication.
Enable selection of analysis runs to be published.

Feasibility Constraint:
Code structure doesn't support selective publishing of study contents.

Revised Solution:
To address this, as users are introduced to publishing, we’ll emphasize that all study content will be visible and recommend archiving undesired analysis runs beforehand.

Design & Usability Testing

After formulating solutions based on research and constraint considerations, I delved into the design phase. Once I had mid-fidelity mockups, I proceeded to usability testing. I found testing before refining visual design allowed me to incorporate feedback more efficiently.  

Core Flow

Step 0: Publishing FYI's

Publishing FYI’s help orient the user by providing context around what it means to publish a study and steps they should take to provide the ideal viewer experience.

Before and After (revisions highlighted in yellow)

Step 1: Study Details

Required step for users to enter information pertaining to their study.

Before and After (revisions highlighted in yellow)

Step 2: Additional Materials

Optional step where users can attach supporting materials to their study.

Before and After (changes highlighted in yellow)

Step 3: Citation(s)

This step allows users to review and add citations. If they have no citations at this point, a study citation will be required.

Before and After (revisions highlighted in yellow)

Step 4: Review & Publish

This step serves as a dedicated space for users to confirm information that will become publicly viewable.

Before and After (revisions highlighted in yellow)

Finalizing Designs & Engineering Handoff

To finalize the designs, I conducted a thorough visual check to ensure alignment with the company's design system. Following this, I created a detailed handoff document for engineering, containing finalized design mocks and UI breakdowns.